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Hello! Well, this is my first blog post on my new website.
I’m happy to report that the You Don’t Know Me Trilogy is doing so well I’ve been able to give up the day job! You may or may not know, I was an English teacher for quite some time. And while I thoroughly enjoyed most of my career, I’d come to a point where I needed a change. I definitely wanted to concentrate more on writing, and now I’ve been able to do that. Thank you so much to everyone who’s bought and enjoyed the trilogy. Because of you, I’m now able to write more!
Oh yes, and I’ve been working on this website! You can get your free Dan bonus chapters by clicking on the link at the top of the homepage.
I’m currently working on a new erotic romance trilogy: X, Y and Z. I’m very excited about it. Each book is going to be a standalone in its own right. The books are about three brothers, and they work backwards in time. It’s a challenge to plot the books, as the stories interlink, and it’s also a challenge to decide when and where to reveal certain things! At the moment, I’ve got all three books plotted and I’m 25,000 words into X.
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These include ulcers in the intestines and stomach, problems arising from an abundance of stomach acid, and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).
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Please feel free to request me anything, always here to assist!
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I wish Mandy would publish a UK dictionary with each book words and phrases and terminology of British speech
Oh Mandy I’m so worried about what I saw is all because of money if I were close to you I would say
QUIT hold my hand let’s go