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I’m back from the second attempt at a Summer holiday (the first having been cut short because of family matters), and I’m happy to report that the second attempt was almost thoroughly successful.
Mallorca, in case you’ve never been, is absolutely beautiful. I don’t really know what I’d expected, but it was nothing like my preconceptions. Alcudia beach is stunning. Perfect sand. And the water’s shallow, calm and warm, ideal for little ones.
I took my daughter and grandson to Mallorca. It was a last-minute booking, and not being too good at that sort of thing, I managed to book a one-room studio for the three of us instead of a two-room apartment. Because I snore (quite loudly, apparently), I volunteered to sleep on a mattress out on the balcony. It was actually quite nice, waking up every now and then to look up at the stars. On the negative side, I did get eaten alive by mosquitoes who didn’t seem at all bothered by the Jungle spray I’d liberally applied before ‘bed.’ And I’ve also ended up with a slightly bad back. Anyway, we thoroughly enjoyed taking the two-year old grandson down to the beach, or spending time by the hotel pool. At the beginning of the week, he was scared to go in the water. By the end, he was sporting armbands and running into the Med, or leaping around the swimming pool.
While on holiday, I also managed to find some time to make a few notes and do a bit of writing. X is coming together nicely now. I’m well into the stage of improving and redrafting, adding more layers to the characters. With this trilogy – X, Y, Z – each book will be a standalone in its own right. It’s about three brothers: Max, Sebastian and Zach. And it moves backwards in time. By the end of the first book, you’ll know who the bad guy is, but that’s the way when a trilogy moves in a normal direction. You’ll also know who Sebastian and Zach end up with, but in erotic romance, that’s rarely a surprise. In fact, it’s more about the journey than the destination! So, the challenge is to keep up the mystery throughout the trilogy, while dropping in hints along the way. I’m really enjoying writing it. And I hope you enjoy reading. X should be ready early in the new year.
Now, a quick word about spam. This site has been subjected to quite a lot of it recently, and I’ve had to delete all comments. Apologies if your comments were caught up in the decimation. I’ve now installed anti-spam software, which seems to be working.
Right … back to writing!
X for Max; Z for Zach. Y? Sebastian? Explain.
The letters feature in the books. They’re not really to do with the heros (apart from in Z).
Hope that’s clearer Mrs B!
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